My name is Morgane Oléron. Lots of people call me Mo.
I have always loved writing about life, and wanted to create experiences for people through storytelling, holding space or simply helping them bring their ideas to life.
So after a lot of internal turmoil, I decided it was time to do just that.
My Story
I am not getting any younger so it is getting longer and longer. But here is the short version.
I was born in Paris in 1986. I grew up in the suburb of Paris and got a bachelor in languages applied to business and communications followed by a Master in International relations. During my studies I did a semester in the US which completely changed my life.
I have spent most of my adult life in Stockholm, Sweden where I lived for 11 years. I have also traveled a lot throughout those years, looking for the inspiration and connections I couldn't find at work.
In 2017 I moved into an intentional community with 50 other people. Another life changing experience which helped me redefined both my personal and professional path.
In March 2020 I thought it would be a great idea to relocate to London just as the pandemic hit.
Spoiler alert, it wasn't. But it did give me the kick in the butt I needed to fully embrace this freelance life I did not know I wanted all along.
I've always struggled with titles. I've been called a coliving expert, a community manager, an event planner, a yoga teacher, a content creator, a podcast host, a writer...but I am more than just titles.
I find inspiration and creativity in the people around me. And in the occasional stack of banana pancakes.
With my partner Anton and our dog Zuko, we have now taken over a venue in Devon where we plan to live in community part of the year and host events and retreats the rest of the time.
All the best, none of the rest,
PS: If you want to hear me talk a bit more about where I'm coming from (in all the meanings of the term), I was lucky enough to be a guest on Sarah Rapp's How to Be Global podcast in May 2021. Click the image below to listen!